Synergy is designed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of your state and federal reporting processes to help ensure that your district receives maximum funding with less demand on resources.
State Reporting
Synergy streamlines special education and 504 processes, connects and informs stakeholders, and helps ensure compliance with federal and state regulations.
Synergy provides school personnel with convenient tools to simplify the management of all student health services, including required services such as medication dispensation and health screenings.
Synergy captures and tracks student immunization data to streamline compliance monitoring and reporting based on state and district requirements.
Securing our customers’ sensitive data is a top priority at Edupoint. Your data is safeguarded by full field-level security throughout Synergy as well as through protections at the database and application layers.
Synergy includes comprehensive support for aligning student learning with district and state standards. Assignments can be associated with specific academic standards, the content, item, and assessment banks can be searched by standard, student performance can be analyzed by standard from the district level down to the individual student level, and final grades and report cards can be based on standards.
Your district can use Synergy to configure powerful graphical dashboards tailored to track academic achievement, academic progress, English language proficiency, high school graduation rates, or any other accountability data you prioritize. Authorized users can view student performance data alongside any data stored in Synergy SIS, enabling administrators to monitor critical performance measures for specific student subgroups, such as how well ELLs or special education students are performing on writing assignments or math assessments. Dashboard data conforms to each user’s role, with district administrators receiving district- and school-level data and school administrators receiving school- and classroom-level data.
Synergy conforms to the standards for the Americans with Disabilities Act (Section 508) and has been tested using the JAWS screen reader.
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