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Patch MN.O Installed on February 24th Enhancements and Corrections
05 March 2018

Patch MN.O Installed on February 24th Enhancements and Corrections

Report Interface options – This patch corrects the ability to use $DATE as the current date when looking at date fields.
STU416 – Student Enrollment Validation, found in Student/Reports/List, verifies that students are enrolled in at least one class for each day they are enrolled in school. This is an important check for MARSS funding.  Also, it verifies enrollment dates are within the school calendar. Prior to the installment of the patch, the enrollment validation was not including students who have not enrolled in ANY sections when selecting validation rule 1. That has been corrected. 
Student Course Request – When the password for course requests was set to be ‘Un-monitored’ on the setup screen in PVUE configuration, an error occurred when students attempted to lock their course requests. That has been corrected; they now have the ability to lock their requests.
HLT629 Annual Immunization Status Report – An enhancement to the report was added. The User is now allowed to enter comments on the Report Interface that prints on the report. 
Grade Book Enhancement - A new configuration value exists in the Grade Book that allows teachers to make changes to a prior grading period to Final Grades on the Report Card – Student screen.  An example of this might be where a teacher edits the Final Grade with an Incomplete and then needs to clear the Incomplete after the window has closed.  If you are interested in this new feature, please contact one of the Student Support staff. 


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