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Test Group Analysis
12 November 2018

Test Group Analysis

The Test Group Analysis view in Synergy allows the user to create test combinations that can be available to Teachers, Parents and Students.

The combination of test(s) is solely dependent on what the district wants to make available. Example: Every district has students taking the MCA-III math test in grades 3-8 and grade 11. Some parts of these test parts appear in all grade versions (ex. Performance level, scale score, mn percentile rank and others), but there are parts of these tests that are grade dependent (ex: Number and Operation scores appear for grades 3-8, but do not appear on the Grade 11 test).

To create these combinations of scores for staff, parents and students, you will use the Test Group Analysis view in Synergy.  The setup of these definitions can be as simple as having only 1 test and 1 part of the test to display or it can be as complex as having multiple tests with multiple parts for each definition.  In my article here, I will create a simple definition for the ACT test.

Starting with the Test Group Analysis view you will click the Add button to create a new definition.  You will give it a name, and optionally give it a group order, and decide if you want to show it in TeacherVUE and/or ParentVUE/StudentVUE.  In my example I'm going to show it in both but leave the Group Order blank.  You can see what it looks like below after I've saved it.

Now I am ready to add the Test parts that I want everyone to see. You can do this by clicking the Add button on the Test Analysis Group Parts line. You add parts 1 line at a time, and name it. Below is what mine looks like – note that you can control the order these scores are displayed.


Now I am ready to attach the test that contains these parts (this is where you can have multiple tests displayed that have the common parts). To do this I double click the line number of one of my parts and the detail will open and look like this after I add the first test part and score type:

Please note that you will want to pick the test part that coincides with the part that you are showing detail for. You would not want the math part to be displayed as the Composite score. If I had other ACT tests defined I could select each test individually with the Composite score listed here (this would be the multiple test portion I mentioned earlier). I also added what score I wanted to display for this part (and in my example I only had one score to choose from). I can optionally choose to chart the score for the student but will not be using this option.

I will repeat these steps for each of the 5 parts I want to display in exactly the same way making sure I pick the correct part for each line.

Now that I have this test setup, my teachers can select the Test Group Analysis option from the Home drop down within TeacherVUE.  They can filter for the ACT test in the Test Group field, and show any part or all of them, as well as all ACT tests taken if the student(s) took them more than once. They will see something like this (student names have been intentionally blurred to protect their identity).

This same view is possible within Synergy using the Class Test Analysis view by picking the correct section and teacher.

Since I selected to show the test to students and parents with their logins this is what the student and parent will see.


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