Synergy News You Can Use

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01 December 2016

District Course

The New Year is right around the corner.  Is it time to start thinking about scheduling for next year?  To get a jump start, review the following items on District Course:
Course Descriptions – Have you entered descriptions on your District Courses?  These descriptions show in the Online Course Registration.  Run the CRS201 to create a Course Catalog.
Low Grade – High Grade on District Course – These fields filter the courses offered/displayed for a given grade level on the Online Course Registration. 
Schedule Priority - Two options in the dropdown Core (High) and Elective (Low) are used in the actual scheduling of students courses.  Typically counselors want Core courses scheduled before the Elective courses so updating this field ensures the higher priority on the Core courses.
Check the ‘Do Not Show in Online Course Requests’ checkbox on District Course to eliminate courses students should not select as requests.  For example – Advisory classes, Spec. Education classes etc.
Review the Prerequisite tab.  Use the Prerequisite Group area when multiple courses can satisfy the requirement.


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