We have found a bug that is impacting new users with Grade Book security. This will impact any new teachers to your district, as well as any staff who may be new to using Grade Book this year. The bug prevents teachers from saving assignments in their gradebooks. Their Teacher security is not rolling over to the Grade Book from their User setup.
In order to fix this, you will need to go to the Add and Edit Users screen. This is located in your tree under Synergy SIS->Grade Book->Setup->Add and Edit Users.
On the Add and Edit Users screen, type in the user’s last name in the User Keyword box and hit Enter. This will search for the user. Once that user generates, you will see their Security Level. Any teacher with a Security Level set to Synergy User will not be able to save an assignment.
Click the Edit button. A window will pop up to edit the user in Grade Book. You only need to do this for Grade Book users in your district whose Security Level is set to Synergy User.
For both the User Type and the Security Level, change them from Synergy User to either Teacher, or Secondary Teacher. A word of caution, the screen will ‘flash’ at you when you change the Security Level, this is normal.
Set Teacher for users who utilize Objective Based Report Cards.
Set Secondary Teacher for users who do Subject Based Grading.
If they utilize both types of grading, the system is smart enough to know which is needed for each section.
Please do not make any changes to other settings in this window. The other settings are controlled elsewhere in the system. Once you have both of these settings set for the user, click the green Update User button at the bottom.
The popup window will close, and you will return to the Add and Edit Users screen. You will still be able see your original search results with the Synergy User Security Level. Click the circular arrows in the upper right of your screen to refresh the view.
You should now see the user with the updated Security Level that you set on the two fields of the Edit screen.