Verification Results Input
When the information is received back from the selected households, enter it under Results Input.
if you need to make changes to the application. It will take you through all the input screens. Check all students, head of household and all members to ensure their information is correct. Verify you have the required documents such as paycheck stubs to verify all income.NOTE: If there is a pending status change on the application, you will need to use the Modify option.
if the household responded but did not provide all the required information. You can use the Notes button to document what is missing (i.e., paycheck stub not provided).
if they did not respond at all to verification.
if the household has indicated that they no longer wish to participate in the Free and Reduced lunch program.
if the student was directly verified, which means that eligibility was confirmed through agency records.o Direct verification is only to verify the information on the application and cannot be used to change status.
if everything on the original application was verified as correct.
Once Results Letters have been viewed and printed, you can Close Verification and run the Verification Summary in Reports.