Meals Plus allows you to set a global charge limit, but it also allows you to set a charge limit at the individual account.
- Select the charging status for this account. This controls what the student can charge.

- Y = Allow charges. It will give a message if the charge balance goes over the site limit.
- M = Meals only. Charges for supplemental sales (including milk) will not be allowed. It will give a message for type 1 meals if the charge balance goes over the site limit.
- K = Milk Only (one milk charge per student for a serving session)
- B = Both Meal and Milk (one meal charge and one milk charge per student for a serving session)
- N = No charges are allowed.

This controls how much the student is allowed to charge. The limit can be based on the dollar amount or the number of meals. You can use the site-based limits or customize individual accounts.
- If the account has customized settings, you will see Set by: Student here. It will say Set by: Site if it is using the default setting.
- If an account’s Site changes they will keep any custom settings.
- If an account’s Status is changed (from any source, not just account setup), any customized settings will be cleared and the account will be set back to the site default settings.

- You can set a daily, weekly, or monthly limit for A La Carte purchases.
- This is for all A La Carte purchases, not just charges.
- A La Carte refers to anything that does not have nutrition code 1 (type 1 meal).
- Weekly is Sunday to Saturday. Monthly is the current calendar month.
- If you select Not to Exceed and leave the amount set to zero, all A La Carte sales will be prohibited.