New Application/Manage Application
If the customer is assigned to a User Group that has been given rights to change the Effective Date, the customer will be allowed to set an Effective Date that is prior to today’s date.
- Effective date must be in the current Fiscal Year.
- Effective date must be the same as or after the application date.
- Customer must have rights to ‘Allow Past Effective Date’ in System Management: Security: User Group: Student Eligibility.
- This process will not reprocess meals already served. That is still a separate process.
The application process has been updated for Extended Benefits.
- Student Information Screen: A new Report as Extended Benefits checkbox has been added.
- The checkbox only controls whether or not a student will be reported on the Extended Benefits Report. It will not affect their Categorical or DC status.
- Benefits will still be extended automatically to all eligible students in the household. Exceptions are H/M/R, Head Start and Foster/KinGap.
- Existing Application: the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox will be automatically checked on the screen if benefits were extended during processing.
- DC apps that originate from DC Import will automatically be checked if benefits were extended to students that were not in the import file.
- Applications that originate from only have one Case # that applies to the entire household, so the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox will not be checked.
New Application: when a new application is added in the application process, the student that is selected when a Case Type is added is not marked as Extended Benefits; other students on the application with no Case Type are ‘Extended’.
- There can be multiple case numbers within one application, and students with their own Case #/Type are not ‘Extended’.
- If an eligible student is added without a Case #/Type, it will be marked as ‘Extended’ based on the existing student’s Case #/Type.
- If an exception (H/M/R, Head Start, etc.) is added without a Case #, it will not be ‘Extended’.
Modifying Application: when modifying an application, the customer can check or uncheck ‘Extended’ on any student.
- The Report as Extended Benefits checkbox will be checked automatically when benefits are automatically extended when processing the application; the customer will not need to check it manually.
- If the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox is checked manually on the screen, it will only be saved if the student does not have his or her own Case #, and there is another student with a Case # (or DC Case Type) on the application.
- Unchecking the Report as Extended Benefits checkbox on the screen will remove the student from Extended Benefits Report, but their benefits will not be affected.
Extended Benefits Report
This report has been added. This is the same Extended Benefits Report that was previously in Student Eligibility; however, the last column is now labeled ‘Family #’ instead of ‘Name of SFA Staff Making Contact’.
Customer will need to have rights to the report in System Management: Security: User Group Setup: Student Eligibility: Reports.

Direct Certification/Exempt
- The Extended Benefits process has been updated for the Direct Certification Import process.
- When extending Direct Certified, Case # and Case Type, also set Extended Benefit as ‘Y’.
- If an application has multiple students, and more than one of those students is in the Direct Certified file, the ‘Extended Benefit’ will not be set as ‘Y’ if the student has their own Case #.
o If the student being imported as Direct Certified is currently marked ‘Extended Benefits’, Extended Benefit will be set as ‘N’, and apply their own Case #, unless it is an adverse change.