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OLD Edupoint Synergy
Fully integrated with TeacherVUE® Gradebook and Synergy® Assessment to inform instructional decision making and help teachers identify and deliver the most effective curriculum resources for their students.
Centralized Curriculum Repository
Manage all of your district’s curriculum resources in a single searchable database.
Create and manage a centralized repository of courses, units, lesson plans, and supplemental materials to every teacher.
Align each curriculum element with district, state, and Common Core standards.
Link documents and materials to curriculum elements.
Search by keyword, subject, grade level, standard, and material to identify appropriate resources with a single click.
Assignment Creation and Delivery
Save and organize content resources and share with any group
Organize digital content - including files, links, videos, Google docs, and more - for easy access by your entire staff.
Group content by grade level, class assignment, role, type, or any way that works for you.
Customize page layouts and drag and drop content panels to place them where you want them and add menus, text, and discussions.
Share content with students, parents, and staff for viewing directly in Synergy.
Limit access to any resource, page, or library based on user type, or create custom groups.
Gradebook and Assessment Integration
Teachers perform all classroom and learning management tasks in one place with real-time student data.
Log in once to a single platform to access the curriculum, assessment, gradebook, and administrative tools used every day.
Build standards-based assessments directly from LessonVUE, store them centrally for district-wide access, and save results automatically to the
Select curriculum elements from LessonVUE to automatically create gradebook assignments, grading criteria, and tests or quizzes.
Customizable Curriculum Maps for Teachers
Teachers inherit district-defined maps that can be adapted to fit individual teaching styles.
Create district-wide curriculum maps by course, subject, or grade level defining what needs to be taught and when.
Enable teachers to customize and personalize their maps to fit their teaching styles.
Search curriculum elements by keyword and add to maps with just a few clicks.
Drag-and-drop map elements to adjust daily instructional planning on the fly.
Data-Driven Curriculum Analysis
Objectively evaluate and adjust curriculum elements to maximize instructional effectiveness.
Measure student performance against specific curriculum elements and supplemental instructional materials to determine their value.
Adapt under-performing curriculum elements on the fly or replace them with elements that are proven to get results in the classroom.
Use curriculum analysis to inform purchasing decisions and maximize ever-shrinking budgets.
Collaboration at All Levels
Intuitive tools enable staff to discuss and collaborate on curriculum and instruction tools anytime and anywhere.
Teachers can post "Netflix"-style ratings and comments that are visible to staff throughout the district.
With appropriate permissions, any teacher can create curriculum elements to be used and reviewed by other teachers.
Teacher-created elements can be nominated for district approval.
Streams provide a forum for discussion about lesson plans, resources, assessments, best practices, and more.
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