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SMART Finance Related News

06 January 2021

Revenue Budgeting Review

With the enrollment fluctuations and unexpected Covid revenue, now might be a good time to review both revenue and expenditure budgets. On the revenue side, note the following:

  • Compare your current enrollment with the enrollment used to prepare the original budget.  If there are material differences, use MDE’s revenue projection model to review/change the revenue budget.  When using the Revenue Projection Model, on the Gen Ed tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet, don’t forget to change the data source to ‘From Report Tab’.  The default value is IDEAS which means the Revenue Summary would not reflect the enrollment changes just entered in the spreadsheet.
  • Update the revenue budget with the new Covid revenue accounts.  (Finance dimensions, 151,152,153,154,174 and other grants including Food Service)
  • Review gate receipts and admission/fees.  More than likely, these areas will be over budgeted.

If you would like help reviewing your revenue budget, contact Stacy, Kameron, or Wayne


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