SMART Finance Related News
According to MDE, the deadline to publish your Budget Publication report is Tuesday November 30th, or within one week of the acceptance of the final audit report by the board, whichever is earlier. There are four reports in Smart Finance to help districts complete this Budget Publication. These reports automatically separate restricted from unrestricted fund balances, revenues, and expenditures. They are located under Custom Reports > Custom Ledger Reports > Budget Publication…. To get a copy of the budget publication spreadsheet with instructions, login to the Region 1 website, go to Products and Services > SMART Systems > Smart Finance, and look under Accounting Documents. Click on FY21 Budget Publication, or contact Stacy. The instructions using this spreadsheet will tell you where to get the SMART Finance and MDE reports that are needed to fill each tab of the spreadsheet. When this is completed, all of your information will flow through the spreadsheet to fill out the Budget Publication form for you.