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SMART HR Related News
July 2018
July 2018
OSHA Filing Uses Locations in SMART HR
Are you using locations correctly in SMART HR? Locations are for physical locations (a.k.a. buildings). A good practice would be to have your locations match the ORG codes you have in finance. If you have created a location called Subs or Mail Out, then you are using the field incorrectly. As an alternative you could use department to flag your subs, and use check location to flag your employees that need checks mailed out.
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July 2018
Missed Punch Rounding
There are several different ways that a missed punch can be handled in TimeClock Plus. One option allows the employee to enterthe time that they were supposed to clock in or out, and then flag the entry as a missed punch.If this option is chosen, the missed punch entry made by the employee may be automatically rounded, based on the roundingrules defined in the employee’s profile. Missed punch entries will only be rounded if the feature is turned on in the CompanyDefaults window.For more in...
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June 2018
June 2018
Electronic Submission of OSHA Records Update
From the MN DOL website:In anticipation of the final rule being adopted for Minnesota, a new window has been added to SMART HR for creating a file for electronic reporting of the OSHA 300A. Instructions on how the window works will be emailed to users in early June.
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June 2018
User Setup
Do you know what each user has access to in TimeClock Plus manager? Different permissions can be assigned to managers, principals, secretaries, and payroll users within TimeClock Plus in order to control who has access to view, or to change specific information. Permissions are assigned under the permissions tab in the User Profiles window. User roles can be created to easily assign the same permissions to multiple users who need the same access within TimeClock Plus manager. For example, differ...
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May 2018
May 2018
Do your employees need to update their W4 info?
The IRS is encouraging employees to do a paycheck checkup to insure they will have enough federal tax withheld. From the IRS Website:Are some taxpayers at risk of being under-withheld on their taxes with the changes to the withholding tables?Some people have more complicated tax situations and face the possibility of being under-withheld. For example,people who itemized their deductions in the past, have two or more jobs in their household, or have dependentsage 17 or over, are especi...
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May 2018
Request Templates
Request templates allow you to create a predefined set of start times, hours, and leave codes in any combinationthat an employee can easily select while entering a leave request.Request templates are assigned to the employee profile or employee role which allows each group of employeesto have a different set of request templates.When using request templates, employees can either be allowed to override and change certain fields or be limitedto only using the templates as they are assigned.Fo...
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April 2018
April 2018
941 Form Updated for 2018
The IRS has updated form 941 for 2018. The new 941.pdf files were emailed to you in March. You will need to have these files installed before you can create your 941. Tip: Use the Tax Detail by Check Date report selecting only the check dates within the quarter to get the total tax and taxable wages for each tax and check date for the quarter. Use the show/hide icon to summarize the detail. Also use the Form 941 and W2 Proof report to insure you don&rsquo...
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April 2018
Custom Fields
Do you want to track additional information in TimeClock Plus that there isn’t already a field for? Custom fields can be created by a user to track or store information that the default TimeClock Plus fields don't. Once setup, these fields can be used to filter employees on reports, exports, group hours, and in other windows.For more information, please contact Mara in payroll.
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March 2018
March 2018
TimeClock Plus - Reports
TimeClock plus offers more than 70 reports that include information such as, demographics, punch reports, total hours, exceptions, and leave requests. These reports can be set to automatically run then be sent to a manager, principal, superintendent, or yourself via email. Saved reports can also be created. This allows users to take an existing report in TimeClock Plus and add filters, change sorting options, add/remove fields and save those selections to create a new report that can be accessed...
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November 2017
November 2017
November ACA Workdays in the Region 1 Lab
Do you need more help getting your ACA information set up and ready for reporting? Attend one of these ACA workdays. The lab will be open from 8:30am-4:00pm and staff will be available to help. Seating is limited. Email to reserve your spot, indicating which day you want to attend. If you had previously signed up and want to switch dates, let Carol know. Tuesday November 21 (currently overbooked) Wednesday November 29 (new date added) Thursday Novemb...
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SMART Systems is owned, developed and supported by Regions I, II, III, IV and V, serving Minnesota school districts and other education related service agencies for more than 35 years