Synergy News You Can Use

Tips and Tricks and Updates to the Edupoint Synergy Suite of products

June 2021

MIIC Extract

0 ( 1 reviews)
Synergy SIS->MN->MIIC->MIIC ExtractWith the most recent update that was applied, there was a new screen added for extracting the information out of Synergy to load into MIIC called MIIC Extract. This screen replaces the need for the Query that was used previously to pull the student information out of Synergy to create the list in MIIC. The Query can still be used, but the new screen allows for less errors when creating the file, as well as being much more user friendly.MIIC Extract onl...
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Year End Checklist

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Now is the time to start looking at the Year End Checklist. This can be found by navigating to the Help link in the upper right corner of Synergy and hovering over the Checklists option. 
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Grading Checklists

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While you are in the Help link, checking out the Year End Checklist, make sure you are also checking out the Objective/Secondary Grading Checklists. If your teachers are receiving an error for grading records not being found, make sure you have run Update Grade!
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April 2021

Update Homeroom Process

0 ( 1 reviews)
The Update Homeroom process should be run periodically throughout the year, especially before a grading window. Synergy now schedules the Update Homeroom Data process to run automatically if there is any change to the Homeroom Period, or Homeroom Meeting Day.If the student class record was changed in such a way that the homeroom must be updated immediately, the process is scheduled to run within 15 minutes of the change.If the student class record was changed in such a way that the homeroom must...
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Grading Checklists

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As you are finishing up any grading periods, make sure you are reviewing your Grading Checklists. If you do not have the checklists handy, download a fresh copy from the Help button in the upper right of your Synergy screen.
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March 2021

Discipline Reporting Update (DIRS)

0 ( 1 reviews)
There is now a work around to eliminate the multiple warnings that are on the DIRS Error Report. In the PAD Tree > MN, select the Minnesota Reports option.On the first tab select STU814.MN: DIRS as the Report, then select your reporting district, and verify that the dates are correct.On the Configuration tab, check the box Exclude Warnings From Error Report,  then click Create Report. 
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Updated Google Classroom Videos Now Available

0 ( 1 reviews)
Updated Google Classroom videos have been posted in the Synergy Help link under Training Videos > Google Classroom. The Admin video includes an overview of the setup in which the Teacher video has been cut to include only the Grade Book portions. The Integration PowerPoint is the presentation that corresponds with the recorded webinar.Please share this information with your teachers who are using the integration, or who may be considering it. The video goes over newer sett...
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February 2021

Discipline Reporting Update (DIRS)

0 ( 1 reviews)
"Online" was added as a new location type for reporting incidents, which may be combined with other location types to best describe the learning environment. We are working with Edupoint to implement this change into your systems for use.
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Update Homeroom Process

0 ( 1 reviews)
This process should be run periodically throughout the year, especially before a grading window. Synergy now schedules the Update Homeroom Data process to run automatically if there is any change to the Homeroom Period or Homeroom Meeting Day.If the student class record was changed in such a way that the homeroom must be updated immediately, the process is scheduled to run within 15 minutes of the change.If the student class record was changed in such a way that the homeroom must be updated on a...
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Grade Book Mass Syncs & Enter/Leave Dates

0 ( 1 reviews)
When a student has a future start date for a class and a Grade Book District Mass Sync is run, the student will appear in that teacher's gradebook, regardless of the start date. This may be confusing for teachers as they do not expect to see that student yet. This has been escalated to Edupoint for a fix, however there is not an estimated date for a fix yet. Edupoint has fixed the issue in which the Grade Book was dropping students with a future leave date in a class. A student will now...
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