Synergy News You Can Use

Tips and Tricks and Updates to the Edupoint Synergy Suite of products

September 2020

New Teacher Training Videos

0 ( 1 reviews)
If you have new teachers this year, get them started in Synergy with training videos available on Help->Training Videos.The Objective Based video is for teachers who will be using objective based report cards.The Subjective Based video is for teachers who will be using gradebook to post grades to the system report cards by section.The New User Training video is for new staff members using the SIS side of Synergy, not TeacherVUE.  
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Sync Section Totals

0 ( 1 reviews)
If you find that the Section Totals or number of students is not correct on your section, you will need to Sync Section Totals. This is done from the Menu on the Section screen, and will need to be done at each school that is experiencing this mismatch. Use Synchronize All Section Totals to do the process once at each school. This process verifies that the totals displayed on the section are correct, and in turn, display in TeacherVUE. 
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February 2020

Person Search

0 ( 6 reviews)
 In the Synergy tree go to Student -> Person Search. This screen allows you to search all people in your Synergy database. This will search active as well as inactive students, parents, and staff. This screen is extremely helpful when trying to locate someone. If you have a new enrolling student, try entering some information on this screen to see if the student is already in your system. By entering information like Birth Date or their State Number, you may find the same student with a ...
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January 2020

Deleting An Incident

0 ( 4 reviews)
After the update applied on December 26th, there is a change in practice when deleting an incident. To delete an incident, you now have to remove the incident from the Student using the Student Incident screen. This is an additional step from before.To delete an incident, you must first remove all Dispositions, Interventions, and Violations associated with the students involved in the incident. Then you will need to navigate to the Student Incident screen for every student listed on the incident...
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December 2019
Groups: Adding Students from a Different Organization

Groups: Adding Students from a Different Organization

0 ( 5 reviews)
Sometimes you need to add a student to a Group from a different school. Although groups are designed to be used at each school individually, you can add a student from a different organization within your Synergy setup.From the Students tab on the Groups screen, select the Chooser to add students to the Group. Enter in the Organization Name of the other location you are adding a student from. You will have the best luck with this if you type in the exact name that is seen in your Organization Tr...
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New Year Rollovers

New Year Rollovers

0 ( 4 reviews)
Now is the time to start thinking about New Year Rollovers. Scheduling and registration for the 2020-21 school year is right around the corner, so let us know when you want your New Year Rollover completed.Things Region 1 needs from you to complete rollovers: Which schools and grade levels would you like rolled? If you have multiple sites, please indicate which schools roll where. What is the first day of school? Do certain grades start on a different date than this? Do you want lockers to roll ...
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April 2019
2018-2019 MCCC

2018-2019 MCCC

0 ( 4 reviews)
The MDE/MCCC site will open in April. Follow these steps to get ahead of the game! Log onto the MDE/MCCC site. Roll your calendar forward from 2017-2018 school year. Edit your calendar with the proper dates, Instructional Days and Days in Session Double check the Term Codes (Start/End Dates, Instructional Days and Days in Session) Make note of your Academic Id and your Calendar(s) Numbers so they can be attached to your schools within Synergy. If you do not have an account to work in MCCC, ...
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March 2019
Synergy Tip of the Month

Synergy Tip of the Month

0 ( 3 reviews)
This tip really can be used for several topics. This one happens to cover CRDC reporting. To help you report courses that are considered Dual Credit. Start with a blank District Course view Navigate to the Description tab and check the box for Dual/Concurrent enrollment course found in the State Course Classification group box under the heading of Course Level. Click Find and you will get the results listing the courses that are tagged as Dual/Concurrent. Click the Open in Query button to open t...
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February 2019
 CRDC - Civil Rights Data Collection

CRDC - Civil Rights Data Collection

0 ( 4 reviews)
You can begin to collect your data and start to populate the screens associated with this reporting. You will be using the Federal folder within the Synergy tree to populate these views while focused to the 17-18 school year (this is a Major Change).You have four different views within the Federal folder of the Synergy tree. These views with a brief description follow: Civil Rights Data Collection – Import School Values This screen allows a district to control which fields in the list th...
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Synergy Tip of the Month

Synergy Tip of the Month

0 ( 3 reviews)
Digging into the past, I found this tip which is still valid in the day-to- day work in a school, for the times when we want to find students who have data in a specific field (this will not work in a date field, or a field that has a drop down table).By using a % symbol in a field when in Find mode, it will return a listing of records with non-null values in this field.  Example: I want to find all courses that are coded for Carl Perkins. My screen shot looks like this ...
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