Synergy News You Can Use

Tips and Tricks and Updates to the Edupoint Synergy Suite of products

January 2019
Synergy Tip of the Month

Synergy Tip of the Month

0 ( 3 reviews)
Want to see which class a student is in based on the time of day, and the student’s schedule? I’ve seen several sites this past month where this feature wasn't turned on and the people I spoke with didn’t even know it.You'll find that the Current Class feature is turned off when the Current Class area of the Classes tab on the Student view looks like the picture below. This means that a bell schedule (with valid clock times) isn't assigned to your per...
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December 2018
Synergy Tip of the Month

Synergy Tip of the Month

0 ( 3 reviews)
What are Snapshot Views?  What can they tell me?  What screens can these be used on?  How do I turn them on? Can I turn them on/off as needed?All good questions, so let’s tackle them one at a time...There are currently five Snapshot views (when turned on, and the user chooses to view them) that can give the user a brief summary of info for the screen they are interested in.  The five Snapshot views are: Course, Section, Staff, Parent and Student. These Sn...
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November 2018
Test Group Analysis

Test Group Analysis

0 ( 5 reviews)
The Test Group Analysis view in Synergy allows the user to create test combinations that can be available to Teachers, Parents and Students.The combination of test(s) is solely dependent on what the district wants to make available. Example: Every district has students taking the MCA-III math test in grades 3-8 and grade 11. Some parts of these test parts appear in all grade versions (ex. Performance level, scale score, mn percentile rank and others), but there are ...
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Recurring Jobs

Recurring Jobs

0 ( 1 reviews)
Recurring Jobs are jobs that users have scheduled to run at a particular time, for a given date range, in a given school year.Most jobs should have both a start date and end date that is within the given school year.Any user can see their own recurring jobs by hovering over the two gear icon shown here:   If you are a user that can open the JobQueue Admin view, then you can see all recurring jobs for all users. Click the JobQueue Admin button you see on the screen s...
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Synergy Tip of the Month

Synergy Tip of the Month

0 ( 4 reviews)
You can provide users with the ability to see Private Documents and Comments on the Health screen from prior years and organizations. This can be done at the user level, or at the user group level.With either screen (User or User Groups), you will want to navigate to the Security Settings tab and populate the Display Health Comments, and/or Display Documents, from the drop down options listed.Leaving the field blank will only show the user the default setting.Your options for Comments are: ...
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October 2018
Recurring Jobs

Recurring Jobs

0 ( 6 reviews)
Synergy allows you to schedule jobs, and have those jobs generate a new job to run at a later date.  This happens on the ‘Advanced’ tab of most report interfaces.  The user has options to run the job once, daily, weekly or by month, and the report interface will change depending on the option you select.  There is a start time required and a start date/end date range that is required too (always recommend that you use an end date).  Most of the time Weekly is sele...
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Scheduling Homeroom Updates

Scheduling Homeroom Updates

0 ( 4 reviews)
A new feature has been added that allows users to schedule the update to the student’s homeroom teachers.  This must be done for all elementary sites that use objective based report cards.This new report is called “Schedule Homeroom Data Process” and the actual report interface is found in the Synergy Tree\System\Setup folder.  Most users may not have access to this, so someone with the appropriate security will need to setup and schedule the job to run nightly. ...
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July 2018
SYNERGY and Early Education Reporting

SYNERGY and Early Education Reporting

0 ( 2 reviews)
There are two different reporting needed for Early Education students.  Early Education with Avisia Whiteman is needed for your ECFE and School Readiness programs. This needs to be done by August. Early Education MCCC with Karen Millette is needed for your ECFE, School Readiness, School Readiness Plus, Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten and ECSE programs. These too should be finished by August 15.Item number 1 (Avisia Whiteman – Early Education) can be handled one of two ways. Manua...
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Staff and Users

Staff and Users

0 ( 4 reviews)
 Individually inactivate any staff and user accounts for staff that have left or retired.  User – Use the Disable checkbox to disable an account. If the staff person is never coming back we recommend you DELETE the User.Staff – In the new year, remove the Staff School Assignment record on the Schools tab of Staff.  By removing therecord, the Staff becomes Inactive for the school year.  
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MARSS Percent 998 and 999 SYNERGY

MARSS Percent 998 and 999 SYNERGY

0 ( 4 reviews)
For students that have a schedule, and their percent of enrollment is 998 or 999, you can have attendance/membership hourscalculated automatically, if the school that they are enrolled in has a bell schedule defined (with period start/end times),and attached to the school calendar. The sections the student is enrolled in must have the attendance option include in attendance selected.  If sections aremarked as Independent Study, then these sections will be excluded from calculations.The...
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