Synergy News You Can Use

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November 2016
New Features in SYNERGY

New Features in SYNERGY

0 ( 11 reviews)
In Student Reports – List,  the STU416 verifies that a student is enrolled in at least one class for each day they are enrolled in school.  This is important in the MN MARSS reporting.  If a student, or group of students, has a bad start day on classes, you could potentially lose funding.  Run this report for the current year, but we highly recommend you also run this report for the 2015-16 school year before the FinalDeadline for 15-16.  If any...
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New Daily Attendance Report - ATD610

0 ( 188 reviews)
ATD610 is new and will calculate the Percent Present.This report can be run at the school level, or when focused at the district level, giving you the opportunity to run the report for multiple schools.  When at the district level, the user gets the chance to use the Filter Group Definition view (found in the Synergy Tree / System / Setup folder) where a user can group the schools they want included in the report.The user has two Print By options: 1) by ethnicity or 2) by grade level.Option...
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