Student Eligibility > Administration > Meal Benefit Expiration

Verify that the Expiration Date is correct for your school district. Make changes if needed and click Save.
This will let Meals Plus know when to cut off those students that are still on last year’s benefit and have NOT applied for benefits in the current school year.
Meal Benefit Expiration Letters
These letters can be used to notify parents that their meal benefits, carried over from last year, are about to expire. NOTE: CHECK MDE’S WEBSITE FOR NEW LETTERS!

- Select the MBE (Meal Benefit Expiration) group from the grid to print letters.
- Enter the date of the letter in the Date of Letter field.
- Select Student Eligibility or Point of Sale from the Get Parent Address from section.
o Students without a previous year’s application will display 0 for the family number and the address would come from POS.
- Select an option from the Sort By dropdown list.
o Parent Lastname, Firstname sorts by head of household name.
o Zipcode of Address 3, Parent Lastname, Firstname can be used if you are mailing the letters by zip code.
o Student SiteID, Teacher, Lastname, Firstname can be used if you distribute the letters in the classroom. It will use the first student in each household for sorting.
- Check the Show Site Name box to include each child’s school along with their name.
- Click Print to preview the letters and then use the printer icon to send them to the printer. When you close the preview screen, if you click Yes on the message, it will update the letter history.
You have likely seen the verification reminder in Student Eligibility;

This is your reminder to check your configuration under Verification.

By default, it should be set to Alternate 1 (Random) 3%
Use this setting unless the state has requested that you use Standard (Error Prone)
For more information on Verification, refer to that section in the Student Eligibility guide!