SMART Finance News You Can Use

SMART Finance Related News

04 February 2022

Revenue Budgeting Review

With the enrollment fluctuations and unexpected Covid revenue, now might be a good time to review both revenue and expenditure budgets for FY22.  On the revenue side, note the following:

  • Compare your current enrollment with the enrollment used to prepare the original budget. If there are material differences, use MDE’s revenue projection model to review/change the revenue budget. 
  • Review/update the Covid grant accounts with latest revenue estimates. (Make sure you have expenditure accounts where the finance and course numbers match the revenue accounts)
  • Add the new Special Ed Cross Subsidy aid to the regular Spec Ed Aid revenue account.
  • There is an updated FY22 Revenue Projection on MDE’s web site.  Data Reports and Analytics (



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SMART Systems is owned, developed and supported by Regions I, II, III, IV and V, serving Minnesota school districts and other education related service agencies for more than 35 years