SMART Finance News You Can Use

SMART Finance Related News

12 March 2024

Using Budget Workpapers for the FY25

The SMART Finance Budget Workpapers can be a very useful tool for completing the FY24 budget. Here are some of the features that can be used:

  • For both revenue and expense, as a starting point, copy the FY24 budget to FY25.
  • For revenues, highlight the rows that have been addressed/changed by clicking the box in front of the account.  This will cause the line to highlight in yellow.

  • For expenses, increase all accounts or ranges of account by a specified percent. For example, increase all salary accounts by 2% and all supply accounts by 5%.
  • Another option is to save the Budget Workpapers to Excel, create a budget and send the Excel file to Region 1 for importing.

We would be happy to get you started. Just contact one of us in Finance.



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SMART Systems is owned, developed and supported by Regions I, II, III, IV and V, serving Minnesota school districts and other education related service agencies for more than 35 years